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Research Article Open Access

An Innovative Approach for Drowsiness Detection Warning &Accident Prevention using Image Processing


The goal of this project is to design an Accident Prevention System which helps in preventing or avoiding accidents. The driver is more prone to accidents due to drowsiness and the disturbing intruders. This project describes a real-time online prototype driver-fatigue monitor. Driver fatigue is one of the most common reasons for fatal road accidents around the world. This shows that in the transportation industry especially, where a driver of a heavy vehicle is often exposed to hours of monotonous driving which causes fatigue without frequent rest period. Due to the frequent incidence of driver fatigue this has become an area of great socio economic concern. Consequently, road accidents prevention systems by detecting driver’s drowsiness, which measure the level of driver inattention and provide a warning when a potential hazard exists, have received a great deal of attention as a measure to prevent accidents caused by driver inattention. In this project an efficient driver’s drowsiness detection system is designed using eyelid movement & yawn detection by taking eye detection and mouth detection into consideration simultaneously so that road accidents can be avoided successfully. This is found to be reasonably robust, reliable and accurate in fatigue characterization.

Sanket Ghule, Ganesh Daundkar, Jinil Bathery, P.R.Sonawane