An Overview Material Process and Characterization of Dental Additive Manufacturing: A Review
Additive Manufacturing technology is currently promising technology, which is highly applicable in modern medical equipment, for restorative and dental implants and etc. Nowadays fixed dental prostheses are designed and fabricated different techniques of Additive Manufacturing to replace missing tooth/teeth and other dental parts. Dental material and some of basic 3D printing are overviewed from recent literature.
Methodology: this literature was carried out using science direct, google scholar, pubmed, cochrane library, and medline search engines. In addition, the use of google search engine also included hot literature. Included were publications between 2017 and August 2022.
Aim of the paper: This paper review is discusses the types of 3D printing technologies used for dental fabrication, dental materials, different characterization techniques and their various applications in dentistry
Shimelis Tamene Gobena, Abraham DebebeTo read the full article Download Full Article | Visit Full Article