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Research Article Open Access

An Overview of AUTOSAR Multicore Operating System Implementation


A multicore processor is a single computing component with two or more independent processing units for enhanced performance, reduced power consumption, and more efficient simultaneous processing of multiple tasks. Multi-core processors are widely used across many application domains including automotive domain. Integrated systems that deliver entertainment and information in automobiles are called In Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) systems. IVI user can experience applications such as bluetooth wireless technology telephony, internet radio, location-based services (including traffic reporting), and navigation in vehicle. In order to achieve IVI vehicle should be connected to the internet. When vehicle become connected to the internet, demand for internet-based entertainment applications and services increases. This leads to the requirement of high performance processors like multicore processors in automobiles. Designing operating systems for multicore processors is very crucial because, the improvement in performance depends very much on the software algorithms used and their implementation. The AUTOSAR standard has introduced support for development of multi-core operating system for embedded real-time systems. New concepts introduced are locatable entities, multi-core startup/shutdown, Inter OSApplication Communicator (IOC) and spinlocks. This paper discussing available techniques towards AUTOSAR multicore operating system implementation

Devika K, Syama R

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