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Research Article Open Access

Analysis and Mitigation of Harmonics in Non-Linear Loads using Passive Filters and Wavelet Transforms


The increased use of non- linear loads has created more distortions in current and voltage waveforms. This further introduces harmonics in the power network and leads to deterioration of power quality [1]. In this paper, the harmonic producing loads like three phase induction motor, personal computer and ceiling fan are analysed. Measurements are further carried out using power quality analyser to evaluate the total harmonic distortion (THD) of voltage and current. Passive filter is designed to eliminate harmonics, further wavelet transforms are applied to diagnose and mitigate harmonics in both time and frequency domain. Results are compared, wavelet transform method exhibits better results.

Priyashree S , Vidya H.A , Venkatesha K, Vijay Kumar G

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