ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Analysis and Principles of Green UI Design for Web Portals
In the modern world technologies are the backbone of human life. But most of the technologies make impact of the society and environment. Electricity is the core problem today because entire electrical & electronic equipments and all the technologies operated by electric power, but we have limited source to produce electricity and even they arise huge environmental problem also. Over 81% of power produced by coal, oil and natural gas and it releases huge amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and it outlets global warming and climate change. So the people should aware of electricity consumption in all the field and technologies especially the IT people. This paper proposes architecture of Green Web Portal; to minimize the power consumption of web through effective design & use of website and its infrastructures. Green web gives principles and guidelines to administrators, developers and users to make energy efficient web. The main objective of this paper is to reduce the direct and indirect power consumption of internet and web technologies.
S.Vetrivel, S.Pandikumar, M.Athigopal
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