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Analysis of Collapsibility of Canister at High Speed in Ice Pellet Launcher Using ABAQUS/Explicit Software
Canister is a cylindrical shaped container, one end of which is open, in which bird specimen or ice pellets are loaded and fired in ice-pellet launcher system. The canister is propelled through the length of the gun barrel by means of compressed air and is arrested by canister arrester. High speed stainless canister with uniform and variable wall thickness is designed and then manufactured by the process of metal spinning in a spinning machine. For the canister to collapse without cracking, it is heat treated by annealing process. The base portion of the canister is hardened and the open end is made soft for it to collapse in desired fashion. The deformation of canister depends upon its length, internal diameter, wall thickness, shape of back face, hardness and ductility of the material. The study of collapsible characteristics of the canister is done using ABAQUS/Explicit software. For this 3D CAD modelling is done using CATIA V5 software and finite element meshing is done using HYPERMESH software. Collapsible characteristics of the canister are observed for uniform and variable wall thickness canisters, at different velocities. The result of this dynamic simulation which deals with the collapsibility characteristics of canister will be compared, at few specific velocities, for a few specific canister geometries, with the results of tests to be conducted on actual metallic canisters, in the canister launcher, now operational at the college.
Mohd Omer Farooq, Dr Mir Safiulla
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