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Analysis of Phonocardiograhic Signals as a Function of Age
All living organism reflect their physiological and pathological process in term of signals called biomedical signals. These signals extract the useful information from biological system under investigation. Heart is an important part of body and any disorder can affect sounds produced by heart. Auscultation is one of the fundamental and non-invasive tools used for analysis of heart sounds. There are four types of heart sounds are produced due to mechanical activities of heart. Conventionally electrocardiogram is used for analysis of heart activates but due to defect in their signals and cannot detect low frequency signals. Phonocardiogram is provides the detection and analysis of low frequency heart sounds. In this paper, analysis is done on phonocardiographic signal which shows the significant effect as a function of age.
Gurjit Kaur Maan, Randhir Singh, Parveen Lehana
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