ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Analysis of Routing Protocols in MANETs
The wireless networking is an emerging technology that allows users to access information and services regardless of their geographic position. This led to the development of MANET. It is a kind of wireless ad hoc network, and is a self-configuring network of mobile routers connected by wireless links – the union of which form an arbitrary topology. The routers are free to move randomly and organize themselves arbitrarily which leads to dynamic changing topology. Each node will act as router in forwarding the packets to the destination. This network is formed by the nodes which are characterized by mobility. Mobile Ad hoc networks (MANET) are characterized by wireless connectivity, continuous changing topology, distributed operation and ease of deployment. The data is being transmitted from source node to destination through multiple intermediate nodes i.e., in a multi-hop fashion. Each node has a particular range in which the transmission takes places. When a packet is being transmitted they move from one range to the other range in the network where this may lead to packet loss due to link failure and dynamic changing nature. Communication among these nodes is made possible by protocols. This paper analyses the performance of various protocols available in MANETs with the help of performance metrics such as throughput, packet delivery fraction and end to end delay.
Musica Supriya, Rashmi , Nishchitha , Ashwini C Shetty, Sharath Kumar
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