ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)
Analysis of Torque and Speed Controller for Five Phase Switched Reluctance Motor
The electric drives play a vital role on the productivity to any industry. The application of Switched Reluctance Motor (SRMs) in high performance industry is due to the progress in the motor design and power electronic control technology. The electromagnetic operation of an SRM is achieved by the proper excitation and control. A SRM is characterized by simple features like simple construction, high reliability and low cost. It can be used in the high temperature and hazardous environment applications. Most switched reluctance motors are either 3 phase or 4 phase types with unipolar or half wave electronic drives. The torque ripple must be carefully minimized with proper commutation of the power to each of the stator phase winding. The design of control system for five phase SRM is very complex since it has large torque ripples and non uniform torque at its output. The reduction in torque ripples and speed control requires an effective controller. In this paper the output obtained using PI controller is shown clearly.Here, simulation of the PI based controller for SRM is performed by using MATLAB/simulink.
Ramesh Kumar. S, Dhivya. S
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