ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Application of Soft Computing Algorithm for the Fertigation of Horticulture Crops
This paper reduces the soil pollutions and health effects in precision agriculture by introducing soft computing algorithm. Using the fuzzy based rule is used to provide the correct quantities of fertilizers (NPK) Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous (P) and Potassium (K) to the horticultural crops to improve the productivity. The proposed fuzzy system, will recommend the needed fertilizers (NPK) to accomplish best crop production. Effective application of the correct quantities of fertilizers (NPK) is an important portion of achieving cost-effective yields. This fuzzy system will be useful in two ways, Firstly receiving money-making crop is one main objective keeping in mind by applying fertilizers (NPK) in an effective manner without overdosing. Secondly applying ineffective fertilizers (NPK) to crop may affect yield of crop and soil respectively. So the earnings prospective for farmers depend on producing better yield per acre to keep production costs below the export price.
Nirosha S, Prof.R.Srinivasan
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