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Research Article Open Access

Applications of Fuzzy-Neural and FPGA For Prediction of Various Diseases- A Survey


Purpose of this study is to evaluate the increasing usage of fuzzy neural networks and FPGA based implementations for predicting various physiological diseases. Various Fuzzy-Neural algorithms like back propagation, inverse delayed function and time averaging types are frequently used for overall prediction of various disease which help doctors in timely treatment and care and also help patients for taking remedial actions in advance. Strategy observed is about collecting pathophysiological data,and then preparing Fuzzy Rule bases as per the guidelines of doctors, and finally mapping these rule base using Neural Network for the prediction of specific disease based on the predecided parameters. The Fuzzy-Neural algorithm can be implemented in FPGA and it can be used as an expert system for the prediction of the disease.

Ketan K. Acharya, R.C.Patel

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