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Special Issue Article Open Access

Applications of Security System


An embedded system is a special-purpose computer system designed to perform a dedicated function. Since the system is dedicated to specific tasks, design engineers can optimize it, reducing the size and cost of the product. Embedded system comprises of both hardware and software. Embedded system is fast growing technology in various fields like industrial automation, home appliances, automobiles, aeronautics etc. Embedded technology uses PC or a controller to do the specified task and the programming is done using assembly language programming or embedded. In my project by using microcontroller as controlling unit. I imply my own concept for marine security which basis of RF and GSM. The RF transmitter is placed in harbor. The RF receiver, controller and Gsm modem unit are placed in our boat or ship. normally, the transmitter and receiver units are in continuous signal with 455MHZ. when the transmitter and receiver signal will be disconnected the microcontroller assumed that the boat crossing the border immediately it take action to protect the fisherman’s by intimating through alarm at the same time send SMS to the Indian navy to secured the fisherman’s. This project definitely helps to avoid unnecessary problem between two governments.

G.Ramachandran, Jayanthi S, E.Ravishankar, P.Balaji, S.SivaPrakash

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