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Special Issue Article Open Access

APU - Mobility Prediction Scheme for Routing Protocols in MANET


In Manet, each node periodically broadcast its location information to its neighbor nodes which is known as beacon packet. These updates are costly. APU Adaptive Position Update scheme tries to reduce update cost and increase the performances in term of routing decision. Based on two principles, 1) A node transmits its next beacon if it has a deviation in its predicted value more than the acceptable range. 2) When a node hear a data packet transmission it transmit beacon. Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GRPS) Protocol with greedy techniques for geographic routing. When greedy fails in selecting the next node nearest to destination we use perimeter rule which search over the perimeter for the destination. In this paper we predict the mobility of node to estimate the link time between the nodes known as link expiration time, which is used for selecting next hop for forwarding. Also we analyses LOOP problem which is created by mobility of destination node.

Archana.S.S, P.Arulprakash M.E., (Ph.D), Priyanka.S

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