ISSN: 2347-7830
Assessment of Urbanization As It Affects Biodiversity in Enugu, Nigeria
The study assessed how urbanization in Enugu metropolis has affected biodiversity within the environment. The metropolis was classified into neighbourhoods, and stratified into high medium and low density areas. Samples were collected from these through a cross section of the study area. Structured questionnaires were mainly used for collection of data. A total of one thousand your hundred and twenty respondent was determined as the sample size for the assessment. Descriptive statistics involving frequency distribution and percentage were used in assessing the respondents perception of how urbanization has affected biodiversity in the area. Respondents in general agreed that population pressure, deforestation, pollution, soil erosion constituted some of the problems of urbanization. Furthermore, they also affirmed that the biodiversity of the area has been affected by urbanization through introduction of invasive species, over-exploitation of resources, degradation of habitat, disease outbreak, as well as extinction of species. Consequently, the study found that as a result of urbanization, some fauna and flora have been adversely affected. Certain species have been endangered, threatened and some have even gone into extinction as a result of loss of habitat. The study therefore proposed, among others the adoption of the World Bank urban strategy that emphasizes strong systems and urban governance to enable sustainable urban growth with opportunities for all.
Edmund Emeka
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