ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Attention Towards Selfish Nodes Over A Manet Using Arti-Q Technique
Wireless networks run in either of two alternative modes, called "infrastructure" and "ad hoc" mode. In MANET (Mobile Ad hoc Network) the network nodes are mobile; an Ad hoc network which has profound effects on network characteristics is represented in a dynamic topology. This will require network functions that are resource effective. Network functions such as address allocation, routing, authentication and authorization must be designed to cope with a dynamic and volatile network topology. This paper aims to represent a Replication server which monitors and maintains the status of all mobile nodes in the network. If it finds any of the selfish nodes in the shortest path between source and destination then the replica server sends signal to that selfish node and requests it to share the loads of the heavily loaded node. Artigence technique which is using Arti – Q algorithm, is used for balancing load, traffic management and reducing response time of each request. The proposed approach is based on proxy method and Artigence which outperforms in terms accessibility of data items, cost of communication and average query delay and also it improves the network performance of MANET.
S.ArunKumar, Mr.A.Bharanidharan
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