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Authentic Learning Activities with Pedagogical Stylistics – Enhancing In E-Learning Websites
As the innovations in the field of information technology raised its level in education. The facilitators are in the position of enhancing their own facilitating methodologies with authentic learning. It comprised and has to be focused in the field of e-learning websites. The pedagogical stylistics also focuses facilitating the learners with best stylistic approach in their learning environment. In the learning path E-learning websites is the boon. In the place of learning and teaching through e-learning websites it must be sophisticated with all the amenities. I have mentioned two most important approaches which must be present in the e-learning websites. First, enhancement should be made with authentic learning activities one of the prior pedagogical attribute and second with pedagogical stylistics. If these both have given the higher priority in e-learning websites then it will facilitate the learner in a higher extreme and make the learner to involve in learning given by the facilitator through e-learning websites which is the emerging field in education. Pedagogical stylistics is a field that looks at employing stylistic analysis in teaching enable students to better realize literature, language and also improving their language acquisition. Online way of communication is a powerful way of enhancing the teaching methodologies so as to enhance the web based learning it should keep track with this Authentic Learning activities with pedagogical stylistics. There were 10 design elements which are present in the authentic learning activities and goals content, designing through instructions, learner tasks, instructor roles, student roles, technological affordances assessment. If the content providers kept this two important activities in the e-learning websites then the e-learning is a fruitful for the learners and it make ease for both the facilitators and the learners. This is the way the web-based learning should enhance their path. If this path is occurred in the way through web – based learning then it can be said that e-learning is emerging in success.
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