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Research Article Open Access

Automatic Extraction of Blood Vessels and Exudates Segmentation for Diabetic Retinopathy Detection


Diabetic retinopathy is one of the pre-eminent causes of blindness among the diabetic affected patient. It is caused by the light sensitive tissue in the retina because of the damaged blood vessels.The substances of lipoprotein gets leaked out of the blood vessels which are damaged and are deposited in the intra retinal part. The nerves of optics beneath the substances are interrupt from being excited by rays of light and are failed to produce any nerve impulse to brain and leads to loss of vision partially. Exudates are the one which is a lipoprotein substancein the retinal region which are yellow in colour.It is the important symptom of the retinopathy disease. Final stage detection of the retinopathy leads to loss of vision completely .By visual inspection, it is very difficult to detect exudates. In this paper, different image processing methods , include image thresholding,median filtering,morphological process are involved.By counting the number of affected cell in the retina by selecting the region of interest ,it shows the occurrence of retinopathy diseases.

D Gowrishankar, G Ramprabu, E Bharathi, R Divya, S Thulasi

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