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Automatic Test Setup for Measurement and Characterization of Accelerating Cavity Using LabVIEW
Accelerating Cavity is a metallic chamber which is shaped to resonate at a specific frequency and allows radio waves to interact with passing particle bunches. Accelerating cavity is used to accelerate the charged particles to a higher energy level. At high energy level radiations are emitted which are useful for industrial, medical and other different applications. Automated setup for measurement of accelerating cavity is prepared using LabVIEW. The setup automatically measures field distribution and relative effectiveness of accelerating cavity. A metallic bead is used which perturbs the frequency which is directly proportional to field distribution, hence field distribution can be determined out. The stepper motor with encoder feedback is used to control the motion of bead inside the cavity and also monitors the bead position. The setup is based on PXI and vector network analyser is used to measure the frequency and phase shift for field measurement. Thus the whole setup monitors, controls and acquires real time data using LabVIEW.
Prathamesh Jathar, Vikas Rajput, Kunver Adarsh Pratap Singh, Purushottam Shrivastava, Namit Gupta
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