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Theory Open Access

Automorhpic Integrals with Rational Period Functions and Arithmetical Identities


In 1961, Chandrasekharan and Narasimhan showed that for a large class of Dirichlet series the functional equation and two types of arithmetical identities are equivalent. In 1992, Hawkins and Knopp proved a Hecke correspondence theorem for modular integrals with rational period function on theta group. Analogous to Chandrasekharan and Narasimhan, in 2015 Sister Ann M. Heath has shown that the functional equation in Hawkins and Knopp context and two type of arithmetical identities are equivalent. She considered the functional equation and showed its equivalence to two arithmetical identities associated with entire modular cusp integrals involving rational period functions for the full modular group. In this paper we extend the results of Sister Ann M. Heath to entire automorphic integrals involving rational period functions on discrete Hecke group.

Tewlede G/Egziabher, Hunduma Legesse Geleta*, Abdul Hassen

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