ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Ayurvedic Plants Disease Identification Using CBIR
Ayurveda certainly brings substantial revenue to India by foreign exchange through export of ayurvedic medicines. Plants diseases cause major production and economic losses in agricultural and medicinal industry worldwide. Monitoring of health and detection of diseases in plants and trees is critical issue. This paper presents a method for identification of medicinal plants based on some important features extracted from its leaf images. The most significant part of research on plant disease to identify the disease based on CBIR (content based image retrieval) that is mainly concerned with the accurate detection of diseased medicinal plant. This paper presents an approach where the plant is identified based on its leaf features such as color histogram and edge histogram. Canny edge detection is also very useful to find the strong edges of leaf of plants and that is used to draw the edge histogram which is one of the parameter for testing. Edge Histogram is plotted on strong edges after applying canny edge Detection Algorithm. Color Histogram separate the layers to plot the red, green and blue layer histogram to check the intensity of each color pixels in the sample image which is another parameter for testing that image is healthy or infected
Vinita Tajane, Prof. N. J. Janwe
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