ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Big Data Processing of Data Services in Geo Distributed Data Centers Using Cost Minimization Implementation
The huge demands on big data processing imposes a heavy load on computation, storage, and communication in data centers, which hence incurs considerable operational expenditure to data center providers. Therefore, cost minimization has become an emergent issue for the upcoming big data era. Different from conventional cloud services, one of the main features of big data services is the tight coupling between data and computation as computation tasks can be conducted only when the corresponding data are available. As a result, three factors, i.e., task assignment, data placement, and data movement, deeply influence the operational expenditure of data centers. In this paper, we are motivated to study the cost minimization problem and optimization of these factors for big data services in geo-distributed data centers. To describe the task completion time with the consideration of both data transmission and computation.
A. Dhineshkumar, M.Sakthivel
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