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Research Article Open Access

Biological Early Detection of Nasal Dermoid Cyst Using CT/ MRI Scan - A Review


Dermoid cyst occuere in brain ,nasal,ovarian under which the nasal dermoid cyst surgery is very complicated when it occure under which dermoid cyst early detection is possible by CT or MRI scan during pregnancy of lady so it will not occurred and no need of surgery . Dermoid cysts are closed sacs that form within the body. A cyst may contain fluid, pus, some other tissue from the body, or foreign matter.Dermoid cysts form in or on the skin, usually on the face near the eyebrow, on the scalp, or on the chest over the collarbone. Rarely, a dermoid cyst near the surface of the body extends below the skin and connects to deeper structures. Very rarely, dermoid cysts develop in other areas of the body instead of the skin. Dermoid cysts are common in children. Most of the time they are painless and benign, which means they don't threaten your child's health. But they may become infected. Surgeons remove dermoid cysts to prevent infection.

Neeraj Singla, Sugandha Sharma

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