ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Biometric Secured Voting Machine to Avoid Bogus Voting Based on AADHAR CARD
Today we all know that bogus(fake) voting is still major drawback in the elections. We can transform from ballot paper to electronics voting machine (EVM), but this problem cannot avoid completely. This paper attempt to solve this problem. Today we all have AADHAR CARD so the Government has all the data base of us including finger print and retina. As we all know that general election happened last year but no one really talks about the use of AADHAR CARD. So if we used that database effectively with the help of micro controller then we can completely overcome the problem of bogus voting. This paper shows how this problem can be solved with the help of combination of biometric finger print scanner and micro controller.
Umang Shah, Trupt Shah, Marteen Kansagara, Saagar Daxini
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