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Research Article Open Access

Book Review 'Di Bawah Sinar Matahari' (Malay Version)


Shaharom Husain, this novel is based on pieces of paper and official records released by the Japanese. In this novel infused images are not very bright because it has been sixty years in the author storage but very meaningful to the author. Locale is in Singapore (Syonan-To), Johor, Melaka and Negeri Sembilan. Names and characters in this novel are fictitious except for the official name of which according to the government official broadcast time. During the Japanese military rule is not all that is happening is wrong. In fact, there is a good and useful can be followed. Because in it there is also a compassionate tyranny, there is a lesson, an example, conversion to bring the Malays finally realizes and fight for independence from the occupation. Those who live under the government of Japan had to work together with Japan to learn the language, culture and way of life of Japan. They also become civil servants, soldiers and laborers served in Japan in addition to gardening and agriculture companies to add the food item. If not they are conscripted into forced labor, making Death Railway at Siam-Burma border. In addition to violence, injustice and suffering of life, there is also the advantage of Japan introduced the spirit of Yamato Damashii, namely life discipline, loyalty to the king and religion, to work hard, willing to work overtime and work together, always thinking, creating and productive

Uqbah Iqbal

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