ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Border Alert System for Boats Using Zigbee
The boaters may sometimes cross their area limit without their knowledge. This causes a lot of problems. They may be caught by the other peoples. This project is developed for the boat users to find out their border in the sea area. The main modules in this project are RF transducer, microcontroller unit and LCD display. The Zigbee transmitter is connected at the border area. It transmits RF signals within the particular limit. The Zigbee receiver with the micro controller unit is connected at the boat. When the boat reaches the particular area, the RF signals are received by the receiver and given to the micro controller unit. The micro controller analyses the signal and calculates the distance and sends corresponding message to the LCD display. If it crosses the limit, the micro controller operates the warning buzzer and it switches off the running motor of the boat. Thus the boat may be automatically off and the boater may easily understand the situation. This information is conveyed to the coastal authorities using GSM and they will track the boat using GPS system. The micro controller program is written in embedded c language and the microcontroller used is AT89C51.
Suresh.M, Gandhiraj.S, Saranya.T, Thenmozhi.S, Divya.M.M
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