Breast Feeding in Perception of Procedural Pain among Term Neonates
Breast-feeding is a normal way of promoting bonding and attachment between neonates and mothers. Breast-feeding is not just as food sources, but a source of comfort and security. A study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of breast-feeding on procedural pain among term neonates in KKCTH, Chennai, 2008-2009. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Breast-feeding in procedural pain perception among term neonates. The parameters evaluated were facial expression, breathing pattern, arms, legs and type of cry. 60 term neonates, fulfilling the inclusion criteria were selected by Non-Probability Purposive Sampling technique. The modified Neonatal Infant Pain Assessment Scale (NIPS) were developed to evaluate the effectiveness of Breast-feeding in level of pain perception. The comparison of post assessment level of pain perception between Experimental group and control group reveals that the mean difference of 2.1 and the unpaired ‘t’ value of 10.5 which is highly significant at p < 0.001 level. There was an association of parameters and the demographic variables. The neonates weight pattern is associated with the facial expression (P = 0.018) and weight is associated with breathing pattern (P = 0.016) and gestational age is associated with the breathing pattern (P = 0.007). Weight is associated with the extension of arms (P = 0.012). Health promotion was achieved by administering Breast-feeding before procedural pain among term neonates and their level of pain perception was also reduced. The neonates nurse has a vital role to play in enabling breast feeding among mother’s neonates who is undergoing painful procedures. Nurses can inculcate the breast-feeding practices before painful procedures among neonates as evidence based practice for evaluating the massive developmental outcome.
A Judie, Jasmine C
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