ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Captcha Authenticated Unwanted Message Filtering Technique for Social Networking Services
The authentication and security mechanism for any application is important. The major function of any security system is to protect the data from unauthorized access. The existing password mechanism based on textual passwords provides low level of security against the unwanted access. One of the alternatives to improve the security and authentication is a graphical based password. One of fundamental issue in day today’s life is Social Networking Services (SNS) to give users the ability to control the messages posted on their own private wall. SNS provide little support to this requirement. In this paper a system with hybrid graphical password system based on captcha technology. Captcha is a standard Internet security technique to protect online emails and other services. Captcha as graphical password known as Carp. Carp is a click-based graphical password. In which a sequence of clicks on an image is used to derive the password. It includes rule-based system, which allows users to customize the filtering criteria and a Machine Learning-based soft classifier automatically labelling messages with content-based filtering
Fathimath Shahistha M, Prabhakara B. K.
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