ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Car Authentication and Accident Intimation System Using GPS and GSM
Human life is more valuable than anything else, timely help is more important than lending a helping hand. This project is one among those which is designed in a way to save human lives in a timely manner. There are three main modules discussed in the project. When a car meets with an accident, immediately the car’s number and the GPS co-ordinates of the location are messaged to the nearby hospitals, thereby ensuring timely help to the needy. When the car is tried to crank, a text message is sent to the owner thereby intimating the status of the car. Acknowledging the text message allows the driver to proceed further to move else the car is immobilized. While during a long drive, if the car’s engine goes faulty. The error signals from the dash board of the car and the GPS co-ordinates are captured and sent to the near-by service centre, thereby saving time. Here the GSM is used to send the text message and the GPS is used to track the exact coordinates of the car. The serial communication interface UART is used for the communication between the Microcontroller (PIC 16F877A), GSM and GPS module. The RS232 communication standard is used for the following purposes. Electrical signal characteristics such as voltage levels, signalling rate, timing and slew-rate of signals, voltage withstand level, short-circuit behaviour. The microcontroller that meets the requirements for the usage of serial data communication and Analog inputs is preferably the PIC 16F877A series, which provides good interrupt capabilities and reliability
R.Monisha, Jessen Joseph Leo, B.T.Tharani Sri Sakthi
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