ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
CBPPP: Cloud Based Patient Centric Privacy Preserving System
Management of personal health records has found way to distributed computing resources from traditional ones. While the advancement in technology has facilitated confidential storage of data, the concern over privacy and authenticated access still hovers around. The work in this paper addresses the present concerns of health care providers over privacy and security breach and at the same time excels in scalability and maintenance from existing systems through a yawning gap. The work presented here propounds a countenance based access mechanism for encrypting as well as decrypting the patient data. The basic principle is to evade any unauthorized ingress by enabling the patient with such efficient mechanism. It constructs a dynamic and flexible environment between patient and health care providers through attribute relying access that can even resist botnets and Distributed Denial of Service Attacks.
Nishant Kumar, Nitish Kumar, C.Anuradha
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