ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Clinic + - A Clinical Decision Support System Using Association Rule Mining
A Clinical Decision Support System(CDSS) assist practitioners and healthcare providers in decision making through timely access to electronically stored medical knowledge. A CDSS interacts with practitioners and electronic medical record systems to receive the patient data as input and provides reminders, alerts, or recommendations for patient diagnosis, treatment and long-term care planning. A review on this clinical decision support system , have observed an ICU clinical decision support system based on associate rule mining (ARM), and a publicly available research database MIMIC-II (Multi-parameter Intelligent Monitoring in Intensive Care II) .System is focused on developing clinical decision support system considering both clinical and physiological data using association rule data mining algorithm and clustering algorithm.
Sangeetha Santhosh, Mercelin Francis
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