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CLINUVEL’S Journey to Develop and Commercialise the World’s First Photoprotective Drug
CLINUVEL is a global biopharmaceutical company that specialises in photoprotection and repigmentation of the skin. Over more than a decade, CLINUVEL has developed and commercialised the world’s first photoprotective drug. The novel pharmaceutical SCENESSE® (afamelanotide 16mg) is a subcutaneous controlled-release injectable implant for the rare genetic disorder erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP). Afamelanotide is a synthetic analogue of the naturally occurring alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone. It induces melanogenesis without exposure to light, providing photoprotection and acting as an antioxidant to ameliorate phototoxic reactions experienced by EPP patients when they are exposed to visible light sources. CLINUVEL is also actively progressing its product pipeline to address other unmet medical needs. This includes: a paediatric formulation of SCENESSE® for EPP; evaluating SCENESSE® in combination with narrowband UVB therapy as a treatment for the skin pigmentation disorder vitiligo; and, through its Singapore-based laboratory, topical formulations for patients for photoprotection and repigmentation.