ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Clustering & Cluster Head Selection Techniques in Mobile Adhoc Networks
In Mobile adhoc Network (MANET) ,networks are formed on-the-fly and devices can leave and join the network during its lifetime. The network thus formed as a whole will be mobile and the devices in the network should be able to detect the presence of other devices and perform the necessary set-up to facilitate communications. Since MANET is considered as a group of mobile terminals, system performance is a challenging task. The throughput and delay factors at the time of mobility and scalability of MANETs is considered as an important feature for efficient processing.Clustering in MANET helps to ensure the performance of MANET to some extent. In the Clustered topology, cluster based routing protocols are used for well-organized routing in MANET. In a Cluster Structure, Cluster Head and Border nodes form a virtual backbone for routing among neighboring clusters. But the Cluster Head selection is an important criterion to be considered because the Cluster Head will be the co-coordinator in Clustered architecture. This comprehensive survey focuses mainly on the cluster Head selection methodology in recently proposed algorithms and the main objectives in choosing a specific node as a cluster head based on its ability in performing the role of the local coordinator, performing transmissions in both intra-cluster and inter-cluster arrangements.
V.Preetha, Dr.K.Chitra
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