ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)
Cohesive Strip Antenna for Biotelemetry Analysis
This paper demonstrates the design of cohesive patch antenna for wireless medical telemetry services(WMTS). The antenna structure resembles as that of band aid strip which can be placed on human tissue. The antenna specifications such as reflection coefficient, radiation pattern, efficiency are evaluated. Obtained radiation efficiency of the designed antenna was 89% in free space and 45.2% when placed on human tissue. The back radiation was reduced by placing a semi conductor metal plate below the ground plane. The examined antenna is used for WBAN technology. Thus the paper explores the detailed design process of proposed antenna with reduced SAR and increased efficiency.
S.Hemalatha, T.Annalakshmi, P.G.Aishwarya, S.Jayanthi, B.Kaviya
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