ISSN ONLINE(2278-8875) PRINT (2320-3765)
Comparative analysis of Hybridization of Neuro-Fuzzy and Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy for Temperature Control in A Heat Exchanger
To achieve desired temperature is a difficult task, in controlling a temperature of heat exchanger as temperature of liquid changes in different ranges. So an attempt has been made to control temperature of Heat Exchanger by using soft computing methods.This paper features the influence of different controllers like Neuro-Fuzzy and Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy upon the process model of Heat exchanger. Neuro-Fuzzy controller (NFC),which is combination of Neural Network(NN) and Fuzzy Logic Controller(FLC) .Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) is also combination of Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic with adaptive structure. The proposed system is modeled in simulation platform and the output performances are evaluated .The performance has been compared and results show the better superiority for ANFIS.
Sunil S.Admuthe , Dr.Rajan H.Chile ,Dr.Mrs.Lalita S.Admuthe
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