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Research Article Open Access

Comparative Evaluation of The Efficacy of Diode Laser as an Adjunct to Stannous Fluoride In The Management of Dentinal Hypersensitivity : A Clinical Study


Background: The objective of the study was to clinically evaluate and compare the efficacy of the 0.4% Stannous fluoride gel (SNF) alone and with diode laser in the management of dentinal hypersensitivity (DH). Materials and Method: 30 patients with DH were selected from the department of periodontology and Oral implantology, ITS-CDSR, Murdanagar Ghaziabad were randomly and equally divided into two groups Group A: 0.4% Stannous fluoride alone, Group B: 0.4% Stannous fluoride plus application of diode laser (wavelength of 980 nm in continuous non contact mode with a power of 0.5 W) for 1 min for three times. Standardized clinical parameters included Plaque index, Gingival index and visual rating scale (VRS) scores of each tooth was tested in response to tactile stimuli, cold water test and Air blast test to determine the reduction of DH in both the groups. Readings were recorded at the baseline (after SRP), 1 week and 2 weeks. Results: Both Groups have shown significant reduction in DH but 0.4% Stannous fluoride plus diode laser showed better results in the reduction of DH in comparison SNF alone. Conclusion: It was concluded that diode laser plus SNF was more effective than SNF alone after 2 weeks and there were no adverse effects seen in any group.

Ishita Joshi, Vidya Dodwad, Siddharth Tevatia, Rajat Singla

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