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Research Article Open Access

Comparison of Conventional Controller with Model Predictive Controller for CSTR Process


We designate PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) controller in industries for various process control applications. It provides control action to the discrepant values from the desired values in process output. CSTR (Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor) is the most important process which plays a significant role in process and chemical industries. We have to control various process variables like temperature, concentration, flow, pressure etc. in this process. Hence we need appropriate control action to maintain this process in the desired condition. We use PID controller which yields an overshoot and long settling time, which exacerbate the process. Hence it is not well suited for many complex processes in industries. So we are going for a better type of controller, known as MPC (Model Predictive Control). It is very accurate and reliable in controlling the process variable. MPC has the ability to anticipate the future events and takes action accordingly. In this manuscript comparison of PID controller with MPC is made and we examine the best controller for this CSTR temperature control process.

S.Allwin, S.Biksha natesan, S.Abirami, H.Kala, A.Udhaya prakash

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