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Research Article Open Access

Comparison of Different Types of Carbon Materials as Electrodes of Super Capacitor


Supercapacitor also known as electric double-layer capacitordiffers from conventional capacitor due to absence of solid dielectric.Supercapacitors are compose of two electrode immersed in electrolyte. Different types of materials are used for electrodes of supercapacitor. Activated carbon was first material chosen as electrode of supercapacitor. Carbon has properties like high conductivity, highly porous nature, and high specific area. This paper focuses on comparison of different types of carbon materials as electrodes for supercapacitor. Supercapacitors have merits such as safe to environment, fast charging, long life, 1000 times cycle’s life than batteries, low internal resistance. Supercapacitor can be charged and discharged several times, much more times than rechargeable batteries. Thus supercapacitor bridges gap between conventional capacitor and battery. Supercapacitor is ideal for energy storage purpose and has used for many applications, when merged with batteries used for hybrid electric vehicles. Supercapacitors are used in solar energy storage, inverters, ups and computer system. In USA supercapacitors are used in defence area like tanks, submarines, vehicles.

Niraj Mahulkar, Prof Dr P. B. Karandikar

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