ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)
Comprehensive Cross Layer Analysis Framework for Delay Distribution in WSN
As technology advances in society the need for networks has become essential. In network study we found many advantage as well as disadvantage related to wired and wireless scenario. So, while considering design issue of network QoS i.e. Quality of Service is the main consideration of network. In wireless networks QoS deals with the many system sensitive parameters they are average delay, End to end delay, Throughput, Packet loss, energy consumption, latency, etc. Due to nondeterministic behaviour of the wireless channel and queuing mechanisms of nodes also the probabilistic that means where there is multiple possibility of outcomes each with different certainty analysis of QoS is essential. so compared with other delay parameter such as mean delay, delay variance, and worstcase delay etc .end to end delay parameter is having great influence on WSN to meet a strict deadline. In this paper, a cross-layer protocol (XLP) introduced, which gives us congestion control means overcrowded signals and medium access control MAC in a cross-layer fashion, ultimately for performance evaluations. Usually timely delivery of a certain number of packets is required to improve delay detection capabiity.The previous delay analysis papers fail to give the single hop delay distribution, also the congestion traffic is not considered so this paper gives you brief idea about, a comprehensive cross-layer(XLP) analysis framework is develop . This framework is generic and can be parameterized for a wide variety of MAC protocols and routing protocols. Our work gives the exact solution for the average delay and End to End delay characteristics and models each node as a discrete time instant. Throughput and the packet loss in WSNs gives by simulation and experiments. Our work shows , the result for comparison of the CSMA/CA Mac protocol and cross layer protocol for average delay and End to end dealy,Throuhput and Packet loss is done for WSNs at different packet rate. Our work gives benefits of cross layer over the CSMA/CA Mac protocol. Extensive simulation results underline the validity of the method and its applicability.
Bharat R Pawar , Jintendra Kumar Singh Atul SrivastavaTo read the full article Download Full Article