ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Computational Gene Analysis and Mutation Processing Using Hadoop
Genes are the most important molecular unit of living organisms. It’s the basic of life. The knowledge of their functions and annotations are essential in understanding physiological and pathological processes. It’s the most essential component in the process of drugsand therapies development. But discovery of these are often time consuming, expensiveand mostly inaccurate mostly since these are not often revisited before their publications.Genes are in-fact collections of DNA’s. These DNA are in turn constituted of Adenine(A),Thymine(T), Guanine(G), Cytosine(C).Collection of genes form chromosome and collectionof chromosomes in turn form a protein and its proteins that infer characteristics of an organism. And mutation is the process wherein there’s change in the usual constituents of a gene.The proposed system aims at the computational analysis of genes. The system uses HADOOP technology for data storage that enables better search, transfer and store of data. Also provides details on the possible mutations. The systemproviding and efficient methods to extract and predict reliable gene functions and possiblemutations
Arathi, Ankitha K
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