ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Content Based Message Filtering System for OSN User Walls
Online Social Network plays a vital role in our each day life. A person can communicate with others by sharing information in several forms like image, audio and video contents. Major matter in OSN (Online Social Network) is to provide security in posting unnecessary messages. One fundamental question in present Online Social Networks (OSNs) is to give users the capability to have power over the messages posted on their individual private space to avoid that unnecessary content is displayed. Till today , OSNs contribute slight support to this need. As a solution to this problem in this paper, we propose a system in which OSN users to have a straight control on the contents displayed on their private space. This is done with the support of a flexible constrain-depended system, that permits users to provide the filtering to be applied to their walls, and a Machine Learning-based classifier automatically labelling messages in support of content-based filtering
Neethu S, Rajesh Kumar B
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