ISSN ONLINE(2319-8753)PRINT(2347-6710)
Cooling Load Calculation and Thermal Modeling for Vehicle by MATLAB
The heating load calculation is based on peak or near-peak conditions, which normally occur early in the morning before sunrise, in addition, in cold countries, the ambient temperature variation during the winter months is not significant. The development of air conditioning system has been growing rapidly due to people needs of having comfortable condition. The cooling system is one of the important systems, because it is related to passenger comfort and important to study transient response of vehicle under real driving conditions. The procedure of this research is a simulation analysis using MATLAB program that uses mathematic equation, make the cabin model, etc. The heat occurred in the cabin consists of metabolic, direct, diffuse, reflected, ambient, exhaust, engine, ventilation, and AC loads has been calculated with three different time's condition which is performed using cooling load simulation tool of MATLAB/GUI. A negative cabin load is provided to the cabin in order to decrease its temperature to the comfort level.
OumSaad Abdulsalam, Budi Santoso, Dwi Aries
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