ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Cost Effective Resource Mapping Based Requisition Partitioning Through Iterated Local Search
Network Virtualization Environment (NVE) affords the virtual resources across computers, server and datacenter that allow users to access resources. In Networked Cloud Environment such as the intra and inter cloud communication resources are allocated to users by resource mapping. The main objective of this paper is to overcome the Virtual Network Embedding problem (VNE) by using request partitioning and embedding approaches. In order to speed up the process and to reduce the embedding cost, these approaches are used. User request is partitioned and is given to the different Cloud Service Provider (CSP) for mapping the requested resources to users. The request partitioning is performed using Iterated Local Search. It facilitates the splitting of user request among eligible Cloud Service Provider. Resource mapping is performed in the embedded phase. This request partitioning and embedding approach allocates the cloud resources efficiently. Finally our proposed system confirm that the inter and intradomain resource provisioning and embedding cost effectively solve the VNE problem.
R. Hema, M. Siva Kumar, R. Devi
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