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Research Article Open Access

Cram´er- Rao Lower Bounds and Bayesian Cram´er- Rao Lower Bound Estimators for Blind Channel Estimation of SNR and Phase Noise


Channel Estimation is the process of characterizing the effect of the physical medium on the input sequence and Orthogonal Frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) Systems are especially suited for channel estimation. In this work we have designed a Cram´er- Rao Lower Bound estimation for blind channel estimator of SNR in OFDM systems. Phase Noise is a time varying process which changes the symbol from time to time and has a high deteriorating effect on higher order OFDM system. We have derived a Bayesian Cram´er- Rao Lower Bound Estimator for estimating phase noise.

Mr. Sivanagaraju.V, Dr. Siddaiah.P

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