ISSN ONLINE(2278-8875) PRINT (2320-3765)
Creeping and Drifting Correction of Sensor Using Adaptive Method
This paper presents a method of dynamic compensation of creeping and drifting error of load cell response using Adaptive technique. The case is illustrated by showing how the response of a load cell can be improved. The load cell is a sensor, whose output gives an damped oscillatory response due to creeping and drifting error, in which the measured values contribute to the response parameter. So, a compensation technique is used to track the variation of the measured values to facilitate the investigation using response compensation. The first step is to make a mathematical model of a load cell response with creeping and drifting secondly, the output is digitized by a proper sampler and suitable A/D converter. After verifying the simulated output, a model of an adaptive technique to minimize the oscillation in the output due to creeping and drifting will be made and the corrected digital data again converted to analog form by proper D/A converter for using in real system. The whole system constitutes a dynamic sensor for achieving creep and drift compensation response.
Rajesh Dey, Amlan Pal, Atreyee Biswas, Achintya Das
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