ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Cryptography Based Data Aggregation Scheme for Data Integrity Analysis in Wireless Sensor Networks
Several data aggregation schemes based on homomorphism encryption have been proposed and investigated on wireless sensor networks. These data aggregation schemes provide better security since cluster heads (aggregator) can directly aggregate the cipher texts without decryption. However, the base station only retrieves the aggregated result, not individual data, which causes two problems. First, the base station cannot retrieve the maximum value of all sensing data. Second, the base station cannot confirm data integrity and authenticity to each sensing sample. However, these schemes are not satisfy multi-application environments. These schemes become insecure in case some sensor nodes are compromised. To overcome these problem in our design, the base station can recover all sensing data even these data has been aggregated. This property is called “recoverable”. The proposed scheme has three contributions. First, it is designed for a multi-application environment. The base station extracts application-specific data from aggregated cipher texts. Next, it mitigates the impact of compromising attacks in single application environments. Finally, it degrades the damage from unauthorized aggregations. The design has been adopted on both homogeneous and heterogeneous wireless sensor networks.
R. Kaleeswari, M.N.Karuppusamy
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