ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
Data Access Service through Web Service by Auto-Updation Mechanism
Web service composition is a web technology that chains information from more than one source into a single web application. This technique delivers a special kind of composition application that aims at integrating data from multiple data providers conditional on the user?s request. In addition, DaaS (Data as a Service) composition may reveal privacy sensitive information. Capable of both assessing the compatibility and identifying incompatibility of service. To check the privacy compatibility of privacy policy and privacy condition. Sometime, The mediator basically discards any composition plan which is subject to privacy incompatibility from the set resolve this issue Negotiation Mechanism is used. Also provide privacy with WCF having different binding Mechanism like MTOM binding, BasicHttp binding, MexBinding by sending message in SOAP format over Http.
Sneha Kalbande, N.M.Tarbani
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