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Conference Proceeding Open Access

Defined by Taglines


A TEDx speaker, an author, a poet, a cancer advocate', 4 taglines that seem great to have. At the age of 24, having these 4 suffixes after my name seems lucky but it is not as rosy as it seems. The reason for these taglines are 2 main ones which include, A Bipolar with borderline personality disorder. I got diagnosed with these 2 mental illnesses in November 2014 when I was attempted suicide. Surprisingly, I breathed a sigh of relief on the diagnosed because I finally had a logical, rational reason for my behavior and it was not my fault but the chemicals in my brain failed to perform their duty. Post diagnoses I began therapy with medication. I was put on 11 medicines for every symptom I complained about. Paranoia, anxiety, mood swings and what not. As therapy began I started talking about my baggage. I began with my childhood which included being subjected to bullying at the age of 7. It brought about insecurities in me of not being good enough and being worthless. At 11, my father was diagnosed with blood cancer. The reason it affected me was the innocence of a child was taken away when responsibilities of the household was entrusted upon me. I had to be the pillar of our house as my father battled with death with my mother on his side, 300 kilometers away from us. I had to take care of my 8 year old sister, a schizophrenic grand mother with the help of my grandfather. Thankfully, my father won his battle, kept up his promise and came back to us.  

Sangeetha Param


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