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Research Article Open Access

Degradation analysis of Aluminum cellular alloy in saline ionic electrolyte


As-cast pure metals exhibit a different microstructure than as-cast alloys, influenced by solute content, soluble solutes several factors. In this work, the as-cast and melting, in an alumine crucible,was considered for the AlZnMg alloy manufacture. The molten alloy was poured into steel containers with sodium chloride crystals, in order to produce the cellular-type material. After solidification and cooling process the salt crystals was removed using hot water. The electrochemical degradation of the material was characterized by potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The dissolution process was studied when the alloy was exposed to saline solution at room temperature in order to estimate the degradation resistance. The adding of the chemical elements changed the phase atomic arrangement, and induced a resistance of degradation oxidative.

Socorro Valdez, E. Chigo-Anota, M.I.Pech Canul, J.A. Juárez-Islas