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Short Communication Open Access

Dental Negligence among Visually Impaired Children - A Call for Attention.


Visually impaired patients present a unique population that challenges the dentists’ skill and knowledge. Hence, the purpose of this study was to investigate the oral health status of visually impaired children. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among visual impaired students of Siddaganga institution, Tumkur. The students underwent oral examination and interviewed regarding their oral health behaviour. The prevalence of dental caries in the visual impaired students was high (68.9%). About 78% of the children reported with anterior tooth (11/21) fracture. It is crucial to improve oral health status of the visual impaired students. Oral health promotion program should be provided to promote good oral health and prevent oral diseases including the supportive environment conductive to good oral health behaviour continuously.

Darshana Bennadi, Mythri H, and Bharteesh J V

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