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Short Communication Open Access

Dentistry Congress 2019: Total approach concept for atrophic maxilla treatment: Nasal, pterygoid and zygomatic implants using a minimally invasive technique with piezoelectric instrumentation - Andrea Tedesco - University of Pisa


 The nasal, zygomatic and pterygoid implants represent a valid alternative to regenerative surgery of severe maxillary atrophies. With a right clinical indication and a correct training for the operator it is possible to treat complex cases with immediate loading to reduce the patient's discomfort. The minimally invasive technique developed by Author with ESACROM (Imola Italy), using piezoelectric dedicated inserts, helps the surgeon to realize an easy surgery, less demolishing, more predictable because the osteotomy preparation is always outside the sinus, totally using the piezoelectric instrumentation. Usually, the zygomatic implant site preparation is still performed with long drills difficult to control. In addition, the classic intrasinus approach involves the maxillary sinus, increasing the morbidity, the operating times, and other complications difficult to resolve.

 Andrea Tedesco 

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